Fertility and Excercise

Welcome to Junes blog. Its been a busy month !!

I have now completed my training to help with people struggling with infertility with Calm Pregnancy and Childbirth due for completion early August.

I have been enjoying some of the good weather we have had spending time in the garden, walking our dog and exploring new routes and running a bit more. How good it feels to be outside, getting that heart rate up a bit and reducing the stress and anxiety of the day?

Here are some quotes from others also enjoying the benefits of exercise.
Judith: “A sense of normality, fresh air…. and a sense of normality.” For a few minutes I can enjoy the beauty of the outside and forget what’s happening in the world….. to be fair, that’s what I’ve always used running for. And because there are no races, I can just enjoy running for running’s sake…. it’s liberating.”
Nigel: “Stability and focus during these uncertain times. I’m a key worker and so grateful that I have running as my escape. I’m taking the permitted one period of exercise a day and using it to run every day during the lockdown.”

Edele: “It is a familiar friend that provides comfort from the stress and worry.”

Dr John J Ratey wrote a book called “Spark” which is a great read and explains how exercise will improve the performance of your brain. We all know that exercise is good for the body but did you know that it can transform your mind, boost your brain cells, protect yourself against mental illness and dementia, and ensure success in exams and the workplace.
His book will change the way you think about exercise – and, for that matter, the way you think.

My on line sessions are going well, which I’m really pleased about and enquires coming in as far a field as USA ! Unfortunately there is no movement on when I can start face to face sessions and that the professional bodies I am a member with also confirm that the current position on working with clients remains that all therapists should continue to only work with clients online or by telephone at the present time.

Covid Guidance
Although there has been some easing of lockdown measures in the UK, we should recognise that Covid-19 is still a highly contagious, potentially life-threatening virus and no vaccine exists at present.
Across all parts of the UK, the key messages remain in place:
We can all help control the virus if we all stay alert. This means you must:

• stay at home as much as possible
• work from home if you can
• limit contact with other people
• keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
• wash your hands regularly.
Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms:
• a high temperature
• a new, continuous cough
• a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste

If you or someone in your home has symptoms of Covid-19 then please check the NHS website for further advice.
As soon as you or someone in your household has developed these symptoms, you should request a test for Covid-19 be sent to you: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing-for-coronavirus/ask-for-a-test-to-check-if-you-have-coronavirus/.

If you test positive, you must self-isolate at home for 7 days. Anyone you live with must also then self-isolate for 14 days. If the test comes back negative, you and members of your household do not need to self-isolate.

I hope you have enjoyed this, please feel free to share far and wide,
Take care, stay safe,
Best wishes

“The biggest failure you can have in life is making the mistake of never trying at all.”