Spring 2021

Wow it’s March

Thank goodness the weather is on the up ! The sun has been shining and its been dry, yes there have been some frosty mornings but Spring is on its way.  There are signs of life in the garden with the daffodils out and tulips sprouting nicely and the birds have been busy singing and looking to make their nests.
For details on the steps out of Covid please use this gov.uk link:
COVID-19 Response – Spring 2021 (Summary) – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Face to Face Appointments Are Back

The other good news is that we now have roadmap from the Government helping us come out of the Covid lockdown slowly and steadily and fingers crossed this goes to plan.  Providing all goes well the exciting news is that I’m open for face to face appointments from 12th April and I cant wait.  Online is great and just as effective but it’s not quite the same as working with a client in person , I love , love , love it.

Hats Off To Those Home Schooling !
Well done to all those parents and careers that have been home schooling, having to juggle working from home , schooling , running the house, the shopping , cleaning , tidying up, You have done a great job.  Good news for many is that the children and young people have gone back to school and many can’t wait however its not the case for all so here’s some tips to help if your loved one is feeling anxious.

Hypnotherapy is considered to be a very effective treatment for anxiety and stress. It continues to become increasingly difficult to deal with. Recent reports show over 9 million people suffer from anxiety during their lifetime. Many people have heard of the fight/flight response, this is a primitive response , which is necessary for modern day living.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy uses proven techniques that work, and you will be given explanation as to how stress and anxiety is created and why we suffer the way we do and what we can do about it. During therapy you will learn how to prevent / manage negative thoughts and stress, and how to deal with situations effectively, how to prevent anxiety and stress escalating in a positive way.

If you or someone you know needs support hypnotherapy can help with many issues, the free initial consultation is available to find out more, just give me a call to have a chat or to book on 07516 962361,

I hope you enjoy March and the start of Spring,

Stay safe and well,
