Welcome to July.
To Summer where we can look forward to seeing beautiful flowers, the scents and time with family and friends and maybe a holiday to look forward to.
Our young adults have finished taking their GCSE’s and they have survived and done so well, they have had to deal with so much over the last couple of years. Well done to their families, carers and responsible adults too. You have been there to help and support them through this as well as managing yourself and other commitments that a busy life demands of you. Give yourself a pat on the back and just take a moment to reflect on what’s gone well. Younger children and College and University students break up soon too, its going to be a busy, lovely Summer.
As good as all this sounds some maybe worried about the next steps and what the future holds. As we await exam results, transitions to new schools or colleges and this may create some feelings of anxiety and uncertainty and this is ok , however, if it starts to impact on every day life then it maybe time to consider some support for them and hypnotherapy can really help and support them. Get in touch if you think this is something you’d like to discuss.
Making positive Change
When attempting to bring about positive changes into your life, rather than thinking about the big, dramatic changes that might seem like mountains think more about breaking it down in to smaller more manageable steps, small positive actions really make a big difference. These will move forward at a pace that is realistic to you and your lifestyle, give you confidence towards reaching the long term goal, you will feel motivation and great pride and satisfaction. Who know you might learn a new skill or two !
Just think if you improve just 1% a day that’s 365% over a year !
For now I’m going to sign off, I have some annual leave to take and I can’t wait as I also need to re charge batteries and spend some time with friends and family and maybe even do some baking !
Have a good July and I’ll be back in touch in August,
Best wishes