Nature and Hope

Welcome to Feb 2021

At this time of Lockdown 3 many are finding it harder than ever and those who would consider themselves well are also seeing differences in their feelings, thoughts and behaviours. Its important that we look after ourselves, each other and keep supporting those on their own.

One of the things I really like to do is spend time outdoors walking, running and just sitting in the warm sun with a cup of tea listening to the birds singing their hearts out.   Its nice to get out at lunch time for some fresh air and get away from the screens for a while.

Back to Nature, it can really help your wellbeing.

Spending time in green space or bringing nature into your everyday life can benefit both your mental and physical wellbeing. For example, doing things like growing food or flowers, exercising outdoors or being around animals can have lots of positive effects. It can:


Online Hope Programme for people living across the South West

The HOPE programme in Devon has gone digital and is available (and FREE!) to anyone living in the South West!  From February 2021, the NHS and Hope For The Community CIC are running 12 digital courses running in 2021 and these are available to anyone struggling with a long term condition, mental illness or with lockdown in general, this also includes people now living with symptoms of Long Covid.

Hope aims to teach you how to become more relaxed, improve your confidence in setting positive goals, learn stress and fatigue management skills and explore any worries you experience when living with long-term physical or mental health condition.

The digital HOPE programme is different to the face to face and virtual course as it is available 24/7 for 6 weeks meaning participants can complete the programme at their own pace but still with full support from trained facilitators.

  • Focuses on you and your wellbeing
  • Learn whenever you like, at a pace that suits you. Please note that the course is not delivered in a way for people to be on “at the same time”
  • You can access the course on desktop, tablet or smartphone. (Wi-Fi needed)
  • cover topics like: smarter goal setting • priorities and values • living positively • character strengths • physical activity • eating well • managing stress • coping with fatigue • finding things to be thankful for.
  • The course includes quizzes, worksheets, audio and video materials, interactive gratitude and goal setting and social networking via email and forums.
  • To register, visit

Hypnotherapy can help you identify positives, take back control and cope with the day to day changes, ups and downs that every day life can throw at us.  Online sessions are effective and can help those who are shielding or want support at home to start off with.
For your free initial consultation or to find out more please get in contact on 07516 962361.

Stay safe, stay well,

Best wishes
