Happy New Year Blog 2022 !

I hope you have enjoyed the festive celebrations over Xmas and are looking forward to the New Year.  New beginnings, new chapters to be explored and of course the good ole New Years Resolutions to make.

Its now when many people make a New Year’s resolution, but how many keep it for more than a couple of weeks? Surveys tell us that success rates seem to vary between 25-60%.

  • What about you?
  • Do you have a resolution?
  • Will you keep it?

Most people try to stick to their resolution using will power, that’s why they soon fall by the wayside. We tend to be creatures of habit and often get stuck in a particular way of behaviour. To change something you need to be able to visualise the benefits of that change and to help your mind understand why you want to change, otherwise you just easily drift back into the old, familiar ways of behaving.

One way of improving your chances of keeping your resolution is to re-educate your mind into the new way you want to behave. You get rid of the old patterns and put in the new ones, a bit like having a good spring clean and getting rid of all the junk. Hypnosis is an excellent way of helping you to achieving this “spring clean”.

If you intend to stop smoking, lose weight, be more motivated, be more confident, exercise more or cut down on your drinking hypnotherapy can help you. Consider these questions to help you, take everything back to basics

  • What is your current habit or behaviour giving you?
  • Do you still need what it gives you?
  • Could you get that from something else?
  • Is there anything that is worth keeping about your current behaviour?
  • What you will miss most if you change your current behaviour.
  • Why do you want to make this change in your life?

Visualise what it’s going to be like. Write it down, draw it or tell someone about it. Make it real to yourself so you know you do want it and you know what it will be like.  Think about the benefits – what it’s going to be with your new behaviour, more healthy,  more money, the real you back again?

Importantly, if you don’t manage to stick to your resolution then don’t worry. Don’t give up straight away, pick up from where you left off and carry on. Allow yourself to learn from what didn’t work and keep it attainable.

For now, Enjoy New Years Eve, look after yourself and look forward to creating your future, you are in control and it can be negotiated.

Best wishes,


December’s Blog

Seasons greetings to you.

It’s been a busy time and work has been going really well, however, I must admit I’m looking forward to some time off over Christmas to recharge my batteries, spend some quality time with family and friends and catch up on my Level 5 work, I’m getting closer and closer and the end is in sight.

As we enter December there are a wide range of experiences to deal with, excitement, dread, pressure, social gatherings at work and with family and all those sensory differences too, what a minefield !  This can make us feel especially anxious and it’s very common.

The financial implications of Christmas can also cause a great deal of anxiety, with presents to buy, new outfits and festive ‘essentials’ such as wrapping paper, food and tree decorations etc etc etc.  We should be aware that we don’t all have family and friends to spend Christmas with and anxious thoughts that are triggered by family conflicts or even the loss of a loved one, can make us feel isolated and as a result, more anxious.

So, here are a few tips on how you can get through this difficult time and where you can get help if needed.

  • Don’t Over Indulge
    We can be tempted to “treat ourselves” over the festive period, however, it is important to remember that food can have quite an impact on our mood. If we have too much sugar and/or caffeine it can cause us to peak and crash and often impacts on our emotions.
  • Drink Responsibly
    Its often said that alcohol helps to relax their anxiety however, drinking too much and the following hangover can often lead us to feel worse. It wipes out the serotonin we create, so keep hydrated by drinking water and other non-alcoholic beverages, above all know your limits and stay safe.
  • Keep Active
    Its great to go for a walk or maintain our exercise routines, it helps clear our head, give us time to think or some peace and quiet.
  • Take Your Time
    Don’t feel pressured to get caught up in the festive whirlwind and rush of Christmas. The reality of Christmas isn’t what we see on Social Media and TV, make it what you want it to be and be happy.
  • Make time for yourself
    It’s a busy time so look after YOU, listen to your favourite song or album, watch a good film, read a book, listen to music or take a long soak in the bath or a few extra minutes in the shower. Be kind to yourself and relax!
  • Rest
    Try and get plenty of sleep and rest during Christmas. Feeling tired can lead to us feeling less able to cope. Grab yourself an early night or a nice lie in, you will be glad you did.

Its important to look after yourself, especially over Christmas and do what you can to enjoy it, be kind to yourself .

Have a lovely Christmas and a very Happy New Year,

Best wishes to you all,
