March – 2023 Am I Good Enough?

Welcome to March,

The month where Spring starts and we spring forward an hour, more daylight , hooray, I cant wait.  I’m looking forward to enjoying the longer days, out in nature with longer dog walks and a bit of colour in the garden its so nice.

I’m very lucky to do a job I love and to be able use solution focussed hypnotherapy to help so many people with all kinds of issues and conditions.  One of those issues that comes up quite often is that where a person doesn’t feel good enough.  With this in mind a fellow therapist Fleur Demeranville Dash wrote this article and wanted to share it with you.

“Am I Good Enough ?”

Don’t you feel sometimes you just need a little reminder that you are doing alright? That all the effort is actually worth it? That you are a good person, valid and significant? Do you sometimes have an annoying voice that creeps in making you think that no matter what, you will never be good enough?

I hate that voice! I fight with that voice! So many of us have to battle this voice on a daily basis, and if this sounds familiar to you, then I want to say, you are doing FANTASTICALLY!!! Because if you are fighting the voice, this means you are doubting what it says, complete proof that you actually KNOW deep down that you ARE GOOD ENOUGH!

Sometimes this truth can feel very deep down, hidden under layers and layers of negative thoughts and lack of confidence. Sometimes it can feel impossible to battle the voice.

I know those negative thoughts are so real. They are not silly, or you’re not overreacting, those thoughts really do seem to take over, don’t they?

Can I just ask you to think, what does “good enough” look like to you?

What would it take for you to stand in front of that mirror and be able to say, “I am good enough”?

Is “good enough” based on the expectations that you think other people have? Do you presume that people expect you to be a certain way, and that is “good enough”? Or is “good enough” an actual goal you’ve given yourself?

If you’re thinking ‘I don’t know’ (what’s this crazy lady going on about!) try and think about a time when you did something that was “good enough”? How did you know it was good? Remember what that feeling felt like, the facial expressions it gave you, the hope it left in your heart. What have you done recently where this was present? What does that tell you?

The thing about “good enough” is it is different for every one of us. What makes me good enough is different for you and it can change every single day and build over time. The only expectations that truly matter are the ones that matter to you!!! We can spend our whole lives trying to mould ourselves to be how we think people might want us to be, and this is so exhausting! Trying to second guess how we should act, dress, talk means that we are constantly TRYING rather than just BEING.

I’m not saying it’s easy to turn off these thoughts, but seeing them as what they are, thoughts not facts or realities can really help! When these thoughts come, take a breath, and try to think about something else for a moment. Maybe say “I’m not good enough at that, YET” and think about how you would like to improve in that area. Then think about all of the things that you do well, the things in your life you are proud of. With everything that you are managing right now, all that you are working through, and all those things that you have achieved.

Just the act of thinking these things is proof, YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!

I can agree with Fleur, that you are good enough.  Be kind to yourself.  If you are looking for help and support then hypnotherapy could certainly help you, Get in touch to book an initial consultation on 07516 962361, or by email

Have a great March, Best Wishes

Louise 🙂


Feb 2023 – Goals & The Menopause

Hello, Welcome to February,

Spring is certainly on its way with snowdrops almost in flower, the birds are flitting about and the days at last are getting longer.

As some of you will know we have moved house, to the Market town of Honiton, an older house with some decorating to do so that’s keeping me busy whilst supporting and helping clients.   There really is a lot to be said for setting a task or doing a job yourself, to learn a new skill or two and feel proud to have completed it yourself and save some money too. It’s that sense of pride and completion that leads us on to other things, a real motivator for achieving our goals and challenges whether big or small.  Those bigger challenges need to be chunked down into smaller more manageable sizes, the small steps really do make for bigger challenges, so, go for it don’t delay, get started on it what ever it is.

“Small steps lead to bigger challenges”

“ Taking the first step”

The other thing I have been really interested in is the menopause, peri-menopause all the symptomologies and there’s lots.  Its not all hot flushes, actually many ladies I have worked with don’t have that symptom at all !!  There are over 13 million women going through the peri menopause, and its surprising to know that one in every hundred are under 40 years old.

Hypnotherapy can really help and can have a positive effect in reducing and managing the severity, frequency and length of symptoms, to create a plan to support us in the next chapter of our lives, help us plan for our needs, options and choices enabling us to understand our mind and body and feel more in control.  There are many aspects to managing , identify and working with your mind and body at this point in your life, so if you are interested please do get in touch.

Hypnotherapy can help with many issues and conditions so if you’d like help and support get in touch, I offer a free initial consultation either face to face or online sessions are available, contact me to book on 07516 962361 or email 

Enjoy February and I look forward to being in contact in March,

Best wishes



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Jan 2023 – Be The Best You Can

Happy New Year, its going to be a good one.

I expect many of us have New Years Resolutions but how many of us can stay we have stuck to it?  Its important to be realistic and break down those bigger goals into something more achievable that fits into your life style.  The other thing that can be very effective is to vocalise our challenges and plans with friends, family or colleagues as it reinforces to ourselves its real and what the goal is.  If, you had a blip, don’t despair go for it again its not too late. There really is some truth in the saying “ You can do what you put your mind to”.  Believe it go for it and don’t look back !!

You can do what you want to do, however often its harder than we think, here’s an article that a fellow hypnotherapist wrote,  helping you become who you want to be doing what you’d like to do and how hypnotherapy can help.  Accredited to Fleur Demeranville Dash, a fellow Hypnotherapist.

Be The Best You Can Be

What would your life be like if you woke up every day feeling unstoppable? Would you take bigger risks and reap bigger rewards? Would you finally give up those destructive behaviours that lead to regret and shame? Would you be more outgoing and FINALLY have the confidence to talk to anyone? Would you stand up and take action rather than letting another opportunity float on by? Would you finally stick to your fitness routine and see your best self in the mirror?
Wherever you are in life, I know you’re eager to live life on your own terms. Unfortunately, there is often something holding you back from living your dream life.

Your subconscious mind is feeling under threat!
During our lives we develop negative thoughts, beliefs, and ideas that influence our behaviour. We create these as a safety mechanism. We change our behaviours as a child to ensure we are not told off in school or by our parents. We learn to stay snuggly in our comfort zones, become afraid of the unknown, and learn to play safe.

When life requires us to be challenged, try something new, step into the unknown, the subconscious will try everything to pull you back into the safe zone.  It knows you and it will try anything to keep you from being “in danger or under threat”.

Negative restrictive thoughts, anxious tummy, accelerated heartbeat, exhaustion, lack of confidence. These are all sent by the subconscious, trying to keep you from doing anything different or trying anything new. Anything to keep you “safe”. Even if that means insomnia, smoking , taking in poisonous fumes, overeating, being miserable, and not being your best self. Anything to keep you “safe”.

So, what is the answer?
The Solution focused hypnotherapy combines psychotherapy and clinical hypnotherapy, and encourages the mind to be forward thinking. When we visualise how we want our lives to be, we can concentrate on all the smaller steps we need to take to become the person we truly dream of being, creating change with ease.

Hypnotherapy can help many people and I offer a free initial consultation, if you’d like to find out more or to book please get in touch, you can call or text me on 07516 962361 or email,
Best Wishes, Louise


Winter 2022 Blog

Welcome to the Winter Blog,

It’s been a busy couple of months and has involved a move of our home, we got there in the end.  I’m still based locally in the historic town of Honiton with online sessions still available if needed.  Thankfully nearly all the boxes have been unpacked and yes I found the Christmas Decorations which I hope to put up this week.  I’ve really enjoyed the recent dry, frosty mornings and the beautiful colours and crispy leaves on the ground and so has our family dog.

As part of my continued practice, learning and development I have regular supervision and I’d like to share an article Jo wrote about obsessional thoughts which could be handy for us to be aware of, what they are and what we can do about them.

Obsessive thoughts are a common symptom of feeling stressed, anxious or depressed. If the primitive, emotional part of our mind feels that we are in danger, it will naturally want to keep drawing our attention back to whatever it perceives to be the problem. So if we are feeling anxious about our overdraft, or a large gas bill, we will probably be continually reminded of it throughout the day.

The primitive part of our mind doesn’t recognise that an electricity bill is not necessarily a danger. It simply responds in the same way it would to a real life-threatening problem, such as a hungry polar bear. (If we were faced with a hungry polar bear, we would definitely not want to forget it was there!)

Worrying is a kind of obsessive thinking. When people worry, they often feel that they can’t help it. The thoughts just keep popping into their heads, even if they are trying to work or concentrate on other things. And in some respects, worrying about something can feel as if we are doing something about it. Unfortunately, when we worry we are adding to the background levels of stress, and in turn making ourselves feel even worse.

Obsessive thoughts can also form part of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), a condition in which a person is compelled to carry out certain acts or rituals, often repeatedly, in order to feel safe. This behaviour may involve rechecking things (locked doors, windows, electrical sockets, etc), collecting things, hoarding or being unable to throw things away, repeated hand-washing, obsession with germs or dirt, counting or arranging things in sequence, and so on. These rituals often cause great distress and interfere dramatically with a person’s life.

Hypnotherapy can help with obsessive thoughts and OCD by calming down the primitive emotional part of the mind that encourages us into repetitive and obsessive behaviours for our ‘survival’. By gently reducing the stress in your life, we can relax the obsessive part of the mind and teach it that it needn’t respond as if we are in danger.  If you feel you’d like some help and support around this or anything else you’d like to address please do get in touch,

For now, I’d like to wish you and those close to you a Happy Christmas and all the very best for 2023,

Best wishes, Louise

October’s Blog – Hypnotherapy, Is It Safe?

Welcome to October’s Blog.

As we welcome in the Autumn we can look forward to fresh mornings, the many fascinating mushrooms and fungi that are sprouting everywhere, the colourful leaves on the trees as they change and fall for us to crunch on and of course those cosy nights in, ……lovely, embrace it, love it, it will make a difference.

This month I’m sharing an article written by a fellow Solution Focussed Hypnotherapist, Sally Hare who answers, “Is Hypnotherapy Safe?” alongside some of my testimonials which I hope you will find interesting.

Is Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Safe?

The short answer to this is yes, hypnotherapy is very safe if practiced by a qualified hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy is a recognised, effective therapeutic modality, and AfSFH Solution Focused Hypnotherapists are fully trained in the latest methods and research. They undertake continuous professional development and subscribe to the Association’s Code of Conduct, Performance and Ethics as part of their membership. Below we will address three common concerns regarding hypnotherapy:

Can I get ‘stuck’ in hypnosis?

No, you cannot get stuck in hypnosis, despite some depictions on film and TV suggesting otherwise. There’s nothing unnatural or strange about this state of relaxed focus, also known as being in a trance; we slip in and out of it many times each day. Those times when we’re ‘lost’ in a good book or film, or take a familiar journey but don’t remember the actual steps, or all those other occasions when we’re happily ‘miles away’, that’s hypnosis! If anything ‘snaps us out of it’ at those times, we come back to an alert state immediately with no ill-effects except perhaps some momentary grogginess.

Therapeutic hypnosis can be very effective because, in this state, we can motivate our subconscious mind to bring about the improvements we want and need. The effects of a hypnosis session can therefore be a powerful aid to change, but we cannot be stuck in that state or triggered by particular words once the session is over. Your hypnotherapist may offer tools to help you deal with certain situations, but these will be carried out with your full awareness and consent, for example snapping an elastic band on your wrist at times of anxiety or stress to refocus your mind into a more empowered mental state. The ‘snap’ will remind you of the positive associations explored in trance, rather than taking you back into hypnosis.

Can I lose control in hypnosis?

No, you are entirely in control during and after hypnosis. The session begins with talking therapy, where you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your best hopes for the future. Then your therapist will guide you into hypnosis gently, using relaxing body scans and pleasant visual imagery to quieten busy brain patterns and encourage a positive mindset. The therapist will offer helpful suggestions for your subconscious mind to work on, such as how you’ll feel when your current challenges are solved, but if they suggest anything that doesn’t sit well with you, your brain will simply reject it.

Just imagine you are totally absorbed in that good book – perhaps it’s a story of a protagonist who struggles against the odds and succeeds in the quest that drives the narrative. If someone suggests ‘you have similar strengths and coping skills to that character and you can use them to succeed, too’, you might start to notice those similarities, and vividly imagine making that success a happy reality. However, if that same person suggests ‘you have auburn hair like that character,’ when your hair is brown or fair, you’ll most likely snap out of your absorption and protest. You’ll not be in the flow of the book anymore, but you almost certainly won’t believe yourself suddenly to have become a redhead either. It’s the same in and out of hypnosis.

It may appear that the ‘victims’ of stage hypnotists have lost control, as they make fools of themselves for the audience’s amusement. It’s true they’re acting in hypnosis, but it is important to note that they are volunteers, and most likely know what’s in store for them if they go onstage. It’s a self-selecting process, and anyone not comfortable with the idea of behaving outlandishly in public will not offer themselves up in the first place. The stage hypnotist will be looking to avoid having anyone self-conscious as part of their act too, as it won’t make for a good show – they can’t force participants to cluck like chickens, but will instead offer suggestions plausible enough for the extroverted and willing participants to act on.

How can I be sure my hypnotherapist is legitimate?

Choosing an individual who is registered with a professional body such as the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH) will ensure you are getting a guaranteed level of service. It’s important to note that hypnotherapy is not currently legally regulated in the UK, and anyone can set themselves up as a hypnotherapist. While they won’t be able to control you or leave you ‘stuck’, they might be unqualified, they might breach confidentiality or professional boundaries, or they might just be ineffective, leaving you at best out of pocket and potentially in a worse place than when you started. Therefore, ensuring your therapist is registered with a professional body like the AfSFH is an important part of getting the support you need. All AfSFH Registered members are fully trained and insured, maintain ongoing professional development, and subscribe to the Association’s Code of Conduct, Performance and Ethics, so you can be confident of working in a safe, professional, and supportive environment. Of course, all practitioners bring their own distinctive personalities to the therapy room, too, so it’s important to find a hypnotherapist with whom you will feel most comfortable on your journey to feeling better. You can find local accredited Solution Focused Hypnotherapists in our AfSFH Directory, so why not contact a few, before settling on the one who suits you best?
Sally Hare

Sharing the love for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy.

I want to thank you so much for our sessions and the help you have given me. Sometimes we all need a boost to mental and emotional health but finding that help can be a lottery. Well, I got the winning ticket when I found you after other reviews. From first contact you have been amazing. Gentle, professional, knowledgeable, inspiring and encouraging. I have learnt so much from you and our time together and I will forever use those skills to sail more calmly through life. I will be forever grateful for your guidance.”  (Susan.)

“I went to see Louise when I was suffering badly from anxiety and nothing else seemed to be working. Louise is lovely and I felt very comfortable with her from the moment I met her. The therapy has worked absolute wonders for me, and I feel so much better and so much more able to cope with things since seeing her. I really recommend Louise.” (BB)

“After ‘suffering ‘ from anxiety for over 30 years, I can honestly say I now feel the best equipped to handle day to day life than I ever have.
Louise has such a positive mental attitude, and it is this compassion and understanding that helps retrain your brain to banish or challenge those silly and unhelpful thoughts we all have.
I have been able to go abroad for the first time in years without getting myself in a right state and meals out are now a pleasure rather than a dread ‘in case something bad happened’
I truly cannot thank Louise more.
Go on make that initial call, I can assure you that even leaving the first free appointment you will leave feeling lighter and more positive towards life.” (Jackie)

Have a good month,
Best Wishes, Louise

Sept 2022 – Back to School

September 2022

Welcome to Septembers blog, It’s the first day of September and there was a freshness in the air this morning when I was walking Thorn, sunny and bright too, we loved it and took advantage of the sweet juicy blackberries in the hedgerows.  What a great start to the day.

I trust you have enjoyed the Summer and have coped well with the extreme temperatures we have had to cope with.  Hopefully you have had time to have some rest and recharged your batteries? We are good at this with our phones but so good with ourselves!! (Worth a thought!)  I have enjoyed doing just that seeing family and friends and enjoying some time camping in Dorset.  We really are very lucky to live where we do and have lovely places to visit right on our doorstep.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the children and young adults’ good luck as they go back to school, start new schools and University.  It can be a tricky time for parents too, feeling things they are not used to so if you or anyone you know need any support, please do feel free to give me a call and book an initial consultation, Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy can help. You are important and you can’t pour from an empty cup, look after YOU and you will have more resources to help others.

I also have good news that I’m proud of.  Last month I got a call shortly followed by email confirmation confirming I have been successful in winning “Hypnotherapist of the Year-, South England (Devon)” It’s not something I paid to enter and was up against 11 other nominations so feel proud and it’s an acknowledgement of my hard work and commitment. So, thank you to all my clients, friends and family for their continued support, it much appreciated.
With that I wish you all a good September


Take Care and Best wishes

August 2022 – Looking after you


I trust you are well and are enjoying the Summer holidays, the occasional lay in and not to have to worry about the school run!

I was really pleased to help a client give up his 40 year smoking habit who recently survived two heart attacks.  He has decided to live life to the full, addressing eating habits, getting some exercise in order to grasp life with both hands and live every moment to the full.  Life is too short for regrets so live for the moment.  I was proud to be a part of his journey.

With this in mind it made me think and ask the following:

  • Do you want to take back control?
  • Do you need to feel ok with saying NO?
  • Do you need to rebuild those personal boundaries?
  • Are you allowing other people to live your life for you?

Do you put everyone else needs before your own because you think that everyone else’s needs are more important than yours? Do you say “Yes” as a habit because you need to feel needed?  Are you yearning for validation and approval from others?  Do you think other people will think you are lazy, uncaring, or selfish if you don’t say yes to their needs? Do you think that your friends, family and/or colleagues will dislike you if you say no to their requests?

Your reasonable needs are exactly equal to everyone else, and therefore giving your power away to others allows unscrupulous people the opportunity to exploit your good nature and to totally disregard and disrespect your needs.   Some may try and manipulate, flatter or coax you into saying ‘yes’ to them.

Give yourself thinking time, tell them you will think about what they have asked you and will get back to them.   If you truly do not want to do something, say no, you do not have to explain or excuse yourself, or apologise.   Respectful people will accept that you are unable to what they have asked you.

The benefits to you are that you will have put clear boundaries in place, and your self-worth, self-esteem and free time will increase.   You will no longer be normalising the abnormal, accepting the unacceptable and excusing the inexcusable. You will no longer be imprisoning yourself in the needs of others and ignoring your own needs. You will also learn to ask for what you need and ensure that you are treated with dignity and respect.  If you have been a people pleaser all your life you may need help to stop this automatic process.

Hypnotherapy will encourage and help you to make choices which best serve you instead of feeling that you ‘must’, ‘should’, ‘ought’ to put everyone else first. You are important and you need to look after yourself, you are number one.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy combines hypnosis and Psychotherapy. Unlike other talking therapies we do not focus on the issue, instead we give you the tools to be able to move forward so you can achieve whatever you want to achieve. Hypnosis creates a state of relaxation which enables us to access the subconscious mind – this is where the magic happens inside our brains.

Using hypnotherapy, we can gently and effectively teach you to relax and move out of the stress, worry and anxiety response, activating the parasympathetic nervous system to return you to a state of balance in body and mind. We can also make sure you are focusing on the positives in life, and therefore thinking in a much more constructive and helpful way. With repetition and practice, positive thinking will become a habit as we work to literally rewire your brain with new, more helpful habits. With positive thinking, you create calm, sensible assessments, rather than emotional stressful reactions. We also work to build up your confidence so that you know you are able to deal with whatever life has in store.

If you would like to find out more about what hypnotherapy can help with, please visit

Have a great Summer, take care of yourselves and feel free to share the newsletter far and wide,

Best wishes, Louise

July 2022 – Making Positive Change

Welcome to July.
To Summer where we can look forward to seeing beautiful flowers, the scents and time with family and friends and maybe a holiday to look forward to.

Our young adults have finished taking their GCSE’s and they have survived and done so well, they have had to deal with so much over the last couple of years. Well done to their families, carers and responsible adults too. You have been there to help and support them through this as well as managing yourself and other commitments that a busy life demands of you. Give yourself a pat on the back and just take a moment to reflect on what’s gone well. Younger children and College and University students break up soon too, its going to be a busy, lovely Summer.

As good as all this sounds some maybe worried about the next steps and what the future holds. As we await exam results, transitions to new schools or colleges and this may create some feelings of anxiety and uncertainty and this is ok , however, if it starts to impact on every day life then it maybe time to consider some support for them and hypnotherapy can really help and support them. Get in touch if you think this is something you’d like to discuss.

Making positive Change
When attempting to bring about positive changes into your life, rather than thinking about the big, dramatic changes that might seem like mountains think more about breaking it down in to smaller more manageable steps, small positive actions really make a big difference. These will move forward at a pace that is realistic to you and your lifestyle, give you confidence towards reaching the long term goal, you will feel motivation and great pride and satisfaction. Who know you might learn a new skill or two !
Just think if you improve just 1% a day that’s 365% over a year !
For now I’m going to sign off, I have some annual leave to take and I can’t wait as I also need to re charge batteries and spend some time with friends and family and maybe even do some baking !

Have a good July and I’ll be back in touch in August,
Best wishes

You Can Do It

Welcome to May and Junes blog.

I’m combining the two months of May and June as it’s been extra busy and I guess you may have been too.  Taking advantage of the better weather being outdoors gardening, walking the dog or family outings, half term, getting healthier and fitter, maybe holidays to prepare for and of course the long weekend this week for the Queens Platinum Jubilee.  I’m hoping the weather will be good as it will be our first camping trip this year!

I’m celebrating this month too.  It is with pleasure that I can let you know I have now successfully completed all the requirements for the Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma, the highest available qualification in Hypnotherapy, a Level 5, and yes I’m feeling  pretty proud of this, its taken me just over two years and it will enable me to support my clients more in their journeys with me.
So lets talk positive action and goals ! According to research at Harvard University, if someone says something out loud it’s ten times more powerful than if they think it, and negativity is four to six times more powerful than positivity. Therefore, if we say something negative out loud, it’s forty to sixty times more likely to cause us problems rather than if we just didn’t say anything (Trevor Moawab).

We can often focus on the things that we are struggling with, the things that aren’t going well.  By doing this, we are perpetuating and predicting what we don’t want to happen. Such negative self-talk can lead to self-sabotage, and we are more likely to give up.
However, we can create an alternative way of thinking. Becoming aware of our thoughts and negative self-talk gives us an opportunity to decide whether we ‘buy into them’ not, giving us a chance to challenge them and replace them with much more helpful thoughts.

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” ― Abraham Lincoln 

Reframing unhelpful thoughts can help us move away from a fixed mindset: ‘I will never change,’ to a growth mindset: ‘How can I change?’ When we acknowledge our wins and progress this can help us to recognize that our efforts can influence our world, which can be extremely motivating.  Language is key and by reframing ‘I’ve GOT to …’  to  ‘I GET to…’ can really help, reframe ‘I can’t do this’ to something like, ‘I am up for the challenge or I’ve totally got this.’ We can train our mind, just as you would train your body.

Try not to compare ourselves to others, and to be mindful of what we consume (not just food, but what we watch and listen to, and the people with who we surround ourselves). It’s easy to scroll through social media and compare ourselves to others, and then negative thinking kicks in. This releases cortisol which can have a negative impact on mind and body, reducing motivation. Instead, identify what has gone well, what has been better how you’ve coped with  and celebrate the positive steps and progress , every small step counts towards those bigger challenges. Think and tell ourselves how we want things to be rather than how we don’t want to be will be very beneficial.  Give it a try.

For now I’m going to wish you a Happy June and enjoy the Jubilee Weekend,

Keep well, stay strong, you can do it,

Best wishes, Louise

April 2022 – Common Issues

Welcome to Spring, what a nice time of year it is, spring flowers and blossom and trees in bud ready to burst into lush green leaves, birds singing, twittering and tweeting, the longer evenings and sun, it makes life so much easier, doesn’t it.

I’m feeling pleased having submitted all my level 5 units for the Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma and wait for the last two units to be marked. It will be my highest qualification and its the highest available within hypnotherapy to date so fingers crossed.  It’s been hard work, however I have found it so interesting and fascinating and it helps me to broaden and deepen my knowledge and understanding enormously.

Here’s a reminder of some of the common issues that Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy can help with.

  1. Ease stress
    Stress reduction with hypnosis is one of the easiest ways to achieve deep relaxation. It is a very effective way to enhance your health and well-being, leaving you feeling calmer, more positive and very refreshed.
  2. Help you achieve success
    Change the way we think to allow you to help achieve success in your life whether in your finances, relationships, creativity, motivation, improve your confidence and self-esteem.
  3. Help with anxiety and depression
    Anxiety and depression can be caused or exacerbated by harsh critical self-talk and the overthinking. We have over 75,000 thoughts a day and most of these can be negative. Hypnotherapy is an effective way of changing the way we think about situations and help move us towards more positive and empowering thoughts and behaviours.
  4. Help to Exercise
    Exercise is so beneficial to our wellbeing in life whether its going for a walk, running, dancing its beneficial. Author and renowned psychiatrist John J. Ratey says if exercise was available in pill format then it would be out of stock and he’s not wrong.  Exercise gives us an amazing boost to our body and releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine.

Regular exercise has been proven to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Ward off anxiety and feelings of depression
  • Boost self-esteem
  • Improve sleep

Exercise also has added health benefits:

  • It strengthens your heart.
  • It increases energy levels.
  • It lowers blood pressure.
  • It improves muscle tone and strength.
  • It strengthens and builds bones.
  • It helps reduce body fat.
  • It makes you look fit and healthy.
  1. Help you overcome fears and phobias
    Fears and phobias can hold us back , restrict our lives and make us change the way we want to do things. Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy will help you to take back control and to do what you want to do , when you want to.
  2. Help you quit smoking
    Whether you smoke 80 a day or have smoked for 60 years, hypnotherapy is one of the most successful ways to stop smoking safely and easily with no cravings.
  3. Help change your eating habits
    If you want to reduce your weight without dieting and feelings of deprival, this is a great way of changing your eating habits. Hypnotherapy does this by removing unwanted blocks to your success, addressing emotional eating, your negative thoughts and feelings about your body and desire for unhealthy snacks. Increasing the desire for eating nourishing foods, water and exercise, this can be a lasting and beneficial way to stay healthy.
  4. Help you stop drinking
    If you are struggling to stop drinking alcohol with willpower, hypnotherapy is such a successful way to stop drinking. Hypnosis is one of the most effective ways of removing habits, unwanted behaviours and addictions that no longer serve us quickly, safely and naturally.
  5. Ease symptoms of IBS
    Hypnotherapy is a powerful way of reducing the negative effects of IBS so much so that it’s now recommended by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
  6. Support fertility treatmentHypnotherapy can be effective in encouraging relaxation, easing stress and overcoming mental blocks for those trying to conceive. Stress, anxiety and so many other factors can affect the body and can make it more difficult to get pregnant. Hypnotherapy works to ease this anxiety to help improve overall health and well-being allowing the mind and body to work in harmony more.


If you have any questions, need more information or would like to book an initial consultation please do contact me by phone, email or text,, 07516 962361

So for now, I’m off for a run as I have a half marathon to train for in May and raise money for a Children’s Hospice.  I’m looking forward to getting those endorphins flowing and burn off some of those calories from a lovely Sunday lunch.

Have a great April.

Best wishes
